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The Wall of Light: Nikola Tesla & the Venusian Space
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- Published on: 1601
- Binding: Paperback
Most helpful customer reviews
62 of 66 people found the following review helpful.
While Arthur Matthews is the REAL DEAL, his edited book is not
By Truth Insister
I read the original in 1969 of what Arthur Matthews wrote about his own experiences in those sections of "The Wall of Light" that pertain to him.
I can tell you emphatically -- absolutely -- that there were no references to Jesus in the original. Whomever has inserted those passages in this book is grossly dishonest. I know that Matthews was a deeply spiritual man who did not believe in conventional religions. Period. I know this for a fact.
Instead, Matthews was taken to a place on Venus where he said he met with a group called "The Council of Nine." This council could tell whether he was telling the truth. He was asked to describe the earth sciences as he understood them. He described biology, chemistry, all of the physical sciences as he knew them. When he described physics, the council objected that he was untruthful. Matthews said this was the earth's understanding. This council told him this was completely wrong, and was vociferous in its objection to its basic principles.
As for the spiritual/religious stuff, the council told him that they were going to give him the secret to life at the end of his several meetings with them. The secret was love. Matthews noted in the original I read that this comported with the message of many of the earth religions. That was the extent of any reference to Jesus. This book makes Matthews sound like a born-again Christian, which he was decidedly NOT.
Further, the meetings with the Venusians have been dumbed down in this book. The original text was far more exciting. For example, Matthews described his initial meeting with a Venusian couple. The man was about 650+ years and the woman about 550+ years old. He extolled their beauty and serenity. They grilled him during meetings over two years about highly detailed aspects of Tesla's work before ever going any further with him. Matthews made a point that there was no way anyone could have known about these highly technical aspects of Tesla's work, because Tesla had not discussed them with anyone but Matthews in letters between the two. Those letters were in Matthews' possession when Tesla died and not the US government, who declared all of Tesla's private papers 'classified' within days of his death. The US government didn't know about Tesla's special relationship with Matthews at the time. How do I know this? Matthews tried to contact the US government to show them highly technical aspects of Tesla's work during the 50s. The US govt. blew Matthews off as a Canadian kook. Matthews also contacted the Canadian government, who thought the same thing. So Matthews did the next logical step: he gave the information to the Russians.
As I wrote at the beginning of this review, I read this document in 1969. It made such an impression on me that I have never forgotten its contents. I can still see myself reading the original. I can still feel how I felt when I read it. I was shocked, actually, to see parts of it in "The Wall of Light," 37 years later.
BTW, I cant review the 'Tesla-written' parts of this book. I have no way of knowing if they've been altered. The Matthews drawings appear somewhat genuine. The book is worth it for the Tesla part. Read the Matthews account with a jaundiced eye, and be suspect about about the sentimental parts of it. Matthews was not a sentimentalist.
I am giving three stars to what should be a five-star read because of the grossly inaccurate editing of Matthews writings in the book, obviously done after he died.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Laurence Gobard
great formidable nice on time once again well wrapped well stamped nicely sent through the good carrier who dropped it into the mail box without having me to ring the carrier to get it !!!
5 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Not worth reading!
By Dirk Gillabel
It is obvious that Matthews was a fan of Tesla. The first part of the book is a rather boring account of Tesla's life, in his "own" words. The second part, The Wall of Light is about the alleged encounters of Matthews with Venusians and their spacecraft. In the first pages I was already growing suspicious about his descriptions and the way he wrote his accounts. For somebody who had repeatedly contact with the spacecraft, his drawings and description is rather superficial. Then, the Venusians show him a time machine that takes him 2000 years in the future where he learns that a third world war has destroyed most of the world between 1971 and 1978. Oh well... When he described the trees, lakes and buildings on Venus and cities and canals on Mars, he didn't envision that by now we have photographed these rather desolate planets in detail. The book has all the earmarks of wishful thinking. Only good if you are in for a science fiction novel.
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